
Russ Richardson and Marc Forman at the 2011 Armstrong Umbel Endurance Classic

As I think of my development as a trainer of bird dogs I can reflect on many people who have shaped my philosophy and methods in this endeavor. When I think of dogs that taught me the list is much shorter, and at the top of the list is Hard Driving Bev. I had the privilege to walk many miles behind Bev, perhaps more than any other person other than her owner Joe McCarl, and the experience was almost always didactic in some form. Bev showed me that a dog can hunt with extreme intelligence, not just busting brush in undisciplined and unproductive fashion. Bev showed me that an independent running dog can still demonstrate healthy respect for the wishes of her handler to show to the front. And perhaps most importantly Bev showed me that skittish wild game birds could be handled with extreme precision and confidence. I am not sure, in regards to this last issue, I would have such a high ideal of a dog handling game if I had not witnessed the mastery of Bev. There are, to be sure, other worthy dogs in consideration for the Hall of Fame, but I am compelled to support Hard Driving Bev; I owe her that much.

Russ Richardson
Guys Mills, Pennsylvania

Russ Richardson Endorses Hard Driving Bev

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